A Remarkable Distinction: Nominated for the Sakharov Prize 2023

We are thrilled to announce that our unwavering dedication has been recognized and acknowledged by more than 50 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), who have nominated us for the prestigious Sakharov Prize 2023 of the European Parliament.
This esteemed recognition underscores the significance and impact of our mission in empowering Afghan girls and women through education.




Learning Resources


Subject and skills

Empowering Every Child, One Home at a Time

At Special Home Schools, we believe that education is a fundamental right, regardless of circumstances. Our mission is to provide quality education to children in Afghanistan who face unique challenges and may not have access to traditional schools. We are dedicated to nurturing the potential within every child, fostering inclusivity, and building a brighter future for Afghanistan.

Vocational Training

Equipping students with practical skills for employment and independence.

Online Education

Individualized assistance for students with diverse needs.

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We extend our sincere thanks to CNN for featuring our mission in the article ‘The school is like a light for me:’ The secret classrooms giving Afghan girls a chance to learn despite Taliban rules. Your commitment to highlighting our cause is deeply appreciated.

CNN’s article has not only showcased our work but has also inspired others to join our mission, ensuring that every Afghan girl has access to education, regardless of the challenges they face.

Thanks again, CNN, for being a catalyst for change and helping us bring education to those who need it most.

Read the article CNN

We express our sincere gratitude to ABC News for featuring our story in the article “Afghan girls and women defy Taliban by continuing studies in secret schools.” Your dedication to highlighting our cause is deeply appreciated.

ABC News’ article has not only shed light on our mission but has also served as an inspiration for others to support our efforts. Together, we are committed to ensuring that every Afghan girl and woman can access education despite the challenges they face.

Thank you, ABC News, for being a voice for change and helping us bring education to those who need it most.

Read the article on abcNEWS

Our heartfelt thanks to Khabarhub.com for spotlighting our mission in the article “Despite Taliban ban, secret schools educate Afghan girls.” Your commitment to raising awareness about vital issues is truly commendable. We’re honored to be featured and grateful for your support.

Your article has inspired change and brought hope to our cause. Thank you for being a voice for change and helping us provide education where it’s needed most.

Read on Khabarhub.com

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Your support can make a world of difference to the children of Afghanistan. Whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, you can be a part of our mission to empower these young minds.

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Education News

Online University

We offer online classes for students all over the country, teaching subjects like Psychology, Management, Public Speaking, English at different levels, and even hosting book ...
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روز جهانی آموزش؛ زمینه آموزش رایگان برای شماری دختران در مکاتب خانگی فراهم شده است

با آنکه آموزش دختران بالاتر از صنف ششم در مکتب‌ها و پوهنتون‌ها به گونۀ رسمی در افغانستان ممنوع است، اما یک حلقه کوچک تلاش می‌کنند ...
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محدودیت بر آموزش زنان و تلاش پرستو و راحله؛ «هیچ ‌کسی جلو آموزش دختران را گرفته نمی‌تواند»

شماری از زنان در کابل با راه‌اندازی یک مرکز آموزشی، تلاش دارند برای دختران زمینه آموزش را فراهم کنند. پرستو، همراه ۲۰ آموزگار، از چند ...
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Day 149; Girls learning sessions in one of our special schools.

#letafghangirlslearn 🙏🏼♥️☀️
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Education News

My hope was dashed when the school closed.

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Huddled in secret schools, Afghan girls refuse to give up on education

Stoic in the face of the collapse of civic life and Taliban edicts on schools, young women will not let their hard-won rights be stolen. ...
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Special Home Schools in Afghanistan

In the midst of challenges, they stand as symbols of determination, proving that education knows no boundaries.

What people say

Amidst adversity, the clandestine network of women known as SRAK in Afghanistan is courageously defying the Taliban's education ban on women. They've established secret classrooms, where teachers and students are taking extraordinary risks for the pursuit of knowledge. 📚
Social Media Influencer
So great to talk today w/ @Parasto_Hakim about different ways to continue to offer #education for #AfghanWomen and the importance of upholding #basichumanrights. What a drive, what courage! @EUDepAmbAFG @tomas_niklasson @EamonGilmore @eu_eeas @_AWLF_
Stella Ronner
EU Ambassador for Gender & Diversity
I was honored to meet @Parasto_Hakim , the founder of @Srakorg . Who along with her small team created different learning opportunities for Afg women and girls such as; Education for school girls, literacy for women, sewing and sketching skills learning,
Takashi OKADA
Embassy of Japan in Afghanistan